Sunday, June 9, 2013

who's your momma?

everybody needs a great momma. I feel really lucky that I have one and I know it isn't Mother's Day or anything but I've just been thinking how great it is to have a mom and sometimes I wish I could go back to being a teenager and having my mom take care of so many things for me. Moms are great at remembering your birthday and planning a super special day for you with all of your favorite things. They listen to you talk about your life and your friends and who you're currently crushing on. Who else would take care of you when you're disgustingly sick with the flu or whining and ornery because you have cramps, again! Who else besides you cares what Jessie Joe said about you in French class the other day or how defeated you felt when you tried out for the dance for the fourth time, and didn't make it, for the fourth time! Who else could give you advice and watch out for you all the time. Plan special enriching events for you to participate in and warn you about dangers in the world. I feel so cared for and connected to something special whenever I talk to my mom. She knows me, all the good, the bad, and everything in between. She was the first person my wondering newborn eyes focused on, I recognize her special mommy scent when I borrow her clothes, and I know no matter what I do or how badly I mess up, she's still my mom, always has been, always will be. So here's to you mom, thanks for teaching me how to be someone else's everything. I am who I am because of the concentrated efforts of my momma.

1 comment:

KILEY said...

It is so true. I can't imagine how many times she had to bite her tongue while she listened to us rant about boys. Ha! She never once made me feel stupid about it although I probably should have.