Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adults Only

Why is it that "adult rated" things are often lewd and obscene? For instance...a person posted some swear words on a Facebook page of which I am a member. My comment was something like "keep your language clean please;" they responded by saying "We're all adults here, what's the big deal?" Afraid I might be opening a can of worms, I simply responded "Being an adult does not entitle a person to use foul and offensive language." Thankfully, that's where it ended, no Facebook feuds for me (yet). Also, I recently started reading The Casual Vacancy, J.K. Rowling's debut adult novel. I absolutely loved the Harry Potter series so I was very excited to read her newest work. Not 5 pages into it I encounter a graphic description of a woman's breasts! Really? Come on J.K. how does knowing this further the plot? Or enhance the story? Couldn't you have just said she was beautiful? or attractive? Really, I can think of about 20 other characteristics/euphemisms that could have been used in place of this off-putting depiction. As a competent, mature adult, I am always in search of books, movies, entertainment that is uplifting, that furthers my knowledge and understanding of the world and other people. Keep your 50 Shades of Gray and The Edge of Never, I'm going back to the kid's section.

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